Back in your doctor’s office again?
Connie takes SYMBICORT twice every day.
If your asthma symptoms keep coming
back, you should know what Connie
knows. Asthma doesn’t go away. You still
have inflammation in your airways, making
them more sensitive and likely to constrict.
So even when you’re symptom free,
you’re not asthma free.™
Connie has noticed a difference in her
breathing with SYMBICORT.
SYMBICORT is for people like Connie, who
are 12 years and older, whose doctor has
decided are not well controlled on another
asthma-controller medicine or who need
two asthma-controller medicines.
Inflammation is always in your
airways, even if you can’t feel if.
reduces inflammation
and works all day and night.
SYMBICORT combines two medicines in one
product to help control both inflammation and
constriction all day and night. And it starts to
open her airways within 15 minutes.* She knows
that SYMBICORT is not a rescue inhaler and
does not replace one for sudden symptoms.
SYMBICORT is helping Connie control her asthma,
so she’s able to breathe better.
So she’s confident she’s on the right path
Ask your doctor if SYMBICORT is right for you.
I f y o u c a n n o t a f f o r d y o u r p r e s c r ip t io n m e d ic a t io n ,
A s t r a Z e n e c a m a y b e a b le to h e lp .
'Individual results may vary.
What is
Prescription SYMBICORT is a controller medicine for
the long-term maintenance treatment of asthma.
SYMBICORT is for people 12 years and older whose
doctor has decided are not well controlled on another
asthma-controller medicine or who need two asthma-
controller medicines. SYMBICORT is not for the
treatment of sudden asthma symptoms.
What is the most im portant safety information
I should know about
SYMBICORT contains formoterol, a long-acting
beta2-agonist (LABA). Medicines containing LABAs
may increase the chance of asthma-related death.
So, SYMBICORT should be used only if your health care
professional decides another asthma-controller medicine
alone does not control your asthma or you need two
controller medicines.
While taking SYMBICORT, never use another medicine
containing a LABA.
What other im portant safety information
should I know about
SYMBICORT w on’t replace rescue inhalers for sudden
asthma symptoms. Do not use SYMBICORT more than
twice a day.
1 -8 8 8 -7 7 7 -4 3 5 0
w w w . M y S y m b i c o r t . c o m
If you are taking SYMBICORT, see your health care
professional if your asthma does not improve or gets worse.
Some people may experience increased blood pressure,
heart rate, or change in heart rhythm. Tell your doctor
if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure.
If you are switching to SYMBICORT from an oral
corticosteroid, follow your doctor’s instructions to avoid
health risks when you stop using oral corticosteroids.
Avoid exposure to infections such as chicken pox or
measles. Tell your health care professional immediately
if you are exposed.
In clinical studies, common side effects included nose and
throat irritation, headache, upper respiratory tract infection,
sore throat, sinusitis, and stomach discomfort.
P l e a s e s e e Im p o r t a n t P r o d u c t In f o r m a t io n o n a d j a c e n t
p a g e a n d d i s c u s s w ith y o u r d o c t o r .
Y o u a r e e n c o u r a g e d to r e p o r t n e g a t i v e s i d e e f f e c t s o f
p r e s c r ip t io n d r u g s to t h e F D A . V is it w w w .f d a .g o v /m e d w a t c h ,
o r c a l l 1 - 8 0 0 - F D A - 1 0 8 8 .
SYMBICORT is o registered trademark and
Even when you're symptom free,
you're not osthmn free
is a trademark of thp AstraZeneca group of companies
AstraZeneca LP. All rights reserved.
f ie .
(budesonide/formoterol fumarate dihydrate)
Inhalation Aerosol
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